Making Homemade Dog Biscuits

imageIt’s a bit like homemade cakes for us humans. Homemade dog biscuits are a luxurious delight for our four legged friends. Beans will sit and watch me make the mixture and roll the dough and then wait patiently as her treats cook and cool before performing her best tricks in order to devour homemade dog treats in seconds.

There are plenty of recipes on the internet to choose from. Today I chose a recipe from  I had to translate the recipe , Easy Cheesy Cheddar Doggy Biscuits to English measures as follows

190g  Plain flour

190g  Grated Cheese

85g  Vegetable oil

Water sufficient to moisten into a dough approx  40g


Mix together, roll and cut into cookie pieces and place on baking tray at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

Above is how mine turned out and Beans loved them 🙂








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