Why use a dog walker?

There are many reasons why it is good to involve a dog walker in your dogs life.  I have listed some of these below for you;

Bored Dog

  • A dog sitter is another individual to offer attention and companionship to your dog. Dogs are pack animals and can become anxious when left for long periods.
  • Dogs can become bored when left alone for long periods. This can lead to behavioural problems such as chewing and scratching
  • Dogs require a good amount of exercise to remain healthy and fit.
  • Dog walkers provide a regular schedule for your dog which is beneficial when their owners cannot commit to a regular schedule due to work or family commitments
  • Most large breed require more stimulation and exercise then some individuals can manage in their daily schedules
  • Regular exercise leads to content dogs which are easier to train
  • Dogs need social interactions and enjoy the smells and adventures of the great outdoors
  • Dog walkers can be essential when the unexpected occurs such as business trips and hospital stays
  • Dog walkers allow dogs to be walked during daylight hours which can be difficult for owners when short daylight hours occur or if they work shifts.

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